Womenpreneur – SiMar https://simarinc.com Thu, 02 Nov 2017 20:59:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://simarinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/logo.png Womenpreneur – SiMar https://simarinc.com 32 32 Social Talks To Strengthen Brand Building https://simarinc.com/2017/11/02/social-talks-strengthen-brand-building/ Thu, 02 Nov 2017 20:59:58 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=990 While it was continually being broadcasted that today’s consumers spend more than 8 hours on digital content, many businesses today still settle on the half-truths of self-promotion. Truly, there is some sort of dissonance between marketers and businesses as solidifying relationship with one’s customers is still as arduous and discombobulating.
Simply put, many businesses do not “talk” to their customers. Many failed (and are continually failing) to learn from their audience, more so listen to them at their level. There are some however, who have learned to leverage actual feedback from consumers—and these are some of the important points they shared:
1. Learn where your customers thrive. Where do they spend time online? What and who are they following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms? What products and services appeal to them? What posts and other content pique their interest or keep them interested? Starting a conversation with your own audience and seek out these information. The more you learn about customer intricacies, the more effective engagements will be.
2. Engage in active listening. Often, the best conversations start when you engage customers to tell you their thoughts and views. Put yourself in their shoes, would you not feel important when a company asks for your inputs? Let your on-boarding initiative be customer-centric. The moment you open your ears to their concerns and views, the more you can make them work to your business’ advantage.
3. Ask customers the reason for either liking or disliking your product, service or brand. Real insights always come from real-time feedback, from real people buying your brand. Talk to them directly and infuse the reasons behind their actions. Through that, you can gain more traction on your social media growth strategy.
4. Know what your customer needs. Even with good intentions in mind, what your own perception of what the customer needs may actually be not aligned with their views. So, consider asking them what specific improvements and other quirkiness they need. When you put those commendable points, you can immediately turn customers into brand ambassadors.
5. Engage your customers. Crowd-sourcing is the trend these days. So are the use of beta testing, round-table live discussions, hashtag conversation, and hangouts. Involve them in the process. Valuing your customers’ thoughts and opinions, particularly when crafting new products or business solutions, often boomerang in a positive way.
6. Learn your audience’s lingo. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own industry’s jargon forgetting the fact that our customers may actually have their own language. Pay close attention to that. Often, miscommunication can put your brand-building efforts on digital media astray leading to its failure.
7. Don’t forget to give thanks to those who continually embrace your brand. Sincerity is a powerful thing. When they do not, it is also essential to ask the reason behind. Be open-minded and accept both positive and negative criticisms. In both instances, always show gratitude as both encourage growth to your brand.
Customers are, indeed, shaping up the minutiae of brand-building. Talk to your customers in a language they can understand. Dissect what they deep down need. Connect with them and be sincere at that. In doing so, you can finally strengthen your social brand and make big with your goals in mind.


How to Detox Your Business https://simarinc.com/2017/10/17/how-to-detox-your-business/ Tue, 17 Oct 2017 09:59:07 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=813 It’s the day before a major report is due, the moment before your biggest client meeting, or the day before your big event – do you feel the “heaviness” in the air?  For an entrepreneur who maintains a close watch on their business, it should be clear by now that maintaining a healthy workplace and maintaining a vibrant business culture are two of the toughest challenges.  Business relations can have their ups and downs, like any relationship. However, too much complacency can often lead to its ultimate downfall. Hence, it is highly essential to “detox” your business and remove all of the impurities.  This is where your leadership matters the most.
As a business leader, you will be tasked to craft creative ways that will not only address pressing business issues but also create enhancements and sustainable solutions.  In some cases, the easiest route is to ignore or delay resolutions.  However, don’t delay the issues too long or similar to decay, it will begin to effect the core of your business.  So you want to do something, but unsure what to do?
Toxic Sources
When detoxing a business, don’t just address the surface issues.  It is essential review and analyze the big picture and all business aspects to include:
Employee Retention.  Do you have high and fast turnover and unsure of the root causes? Now is a good time to do a business detox.  If employees tend to leave their jobs before they 1st year anniversary, you have a problem.  Part of the reason could be due to the ever-changing mindset of millennials (that’s another blog).   Although not far from plausible, and not always a bad thing, the reason your employees are leaving can show you various underlying issues like low employee morale, low creativity or low productivity.
No Avenues of Growth.  Another common problem in the workplace that creates toxicity is the absence of opportunities that foster growth. Employees have high hopes and expectations. A business where employees are prevented from moving forward or learning more about the business,  will eventually find itself in a quandary.
Lack of Competition. People are often raised to be competitive. It is part of the human DNA to compare or to compete in the hope of enhancing one’s self-confidence and …..winning!  Dear businesses, don’t forget a little competition is healthy.   Take note, no one ever wants to lose unless for a good cause.  So make sure you attach a cause to the competition, because everyone can’t win.
Monotony. Change is always resisted.  At the same time, employees tend to respond negatively to monotony. Whatever you do, avoid your employees feeling like they are stuck in mud. When there seems to be no movement, that usually means there is no movement.  People begin to lose their enthusiasm, bad moods become commonplace and the creative mindset gets muddied. Avoid monotony at all costs.
Overall, know that toxicity in any form, can push your business in a downward spiral. When completing the business detox, it is essential to share this with all parties involved. This will send a clear message that you are addressing business problems rather than allowing them to deteriorate your business success.   Wearing a blinder will only make it worse.  Take action to resolve your business issues and minimize the damage—then, monitor and make necessary improvements.
Womenpreneurs: It’s Our Time to Shine! https://simarinc.com/2017/10/15/womenpreneurs-time-shine/ Sun, 15 Oct 2017 09:27:55 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=795 Gender biases have placed women on the backburner for decades. Well, not anymore. Today, industries have become more liberating and friendlier to what used to be called by many as the “weaker” sex — women— in business. Women like Oprah, Tyra Banks, Cheryl Sandberg, Susan Cameron, or Anna Manning, have continually shown the whole world that the iron throne at the top does not discriminate gender. Even Fortune’s list for 2017 is already bursting with more women on top of the corporate ladder.
When thinking of unleashing your entrepreneurial prowess, it is essential to always take control of your own talents and abilities as well as intuitiveness. To further steer you closer to that dream-come-true land, here are some important tips from powerful women who made it to the cut of being supreme leaders in their own field.
1. Always find meaning in whatever you do. Starting a business is all about thinking what matters to you the most. Choose a field of entry where you can harness all your passion and cultivate such perfectly. Go for what you are best at and for what makes you feel accomplished. Your hold your own fulfillment and not doing so will only make success short-live. When done with fervor in your heart, you can guarantee enjoying such achievements to the hilt.
2. There is no limit on what business you can do. While it is still undeniably a male-dominated world, business opportunities for women are quite extensive. In fact, many will agree that when starting out, the sky is the limit for ideas. The prowess of a woman is quite eclectic allowing equally diverse opportunities for one to pursue. To be more fulfilling, it is highly recommended to choose a startup business that makes one feel excited and full of confidence.
3. There is no perfection when it comes to business. A highly dynamic arena, it is filled with challenges and limitations. So, scrap the fantasies of grandeur at once! Running a business is going to be limiting. Frustrations easily flare up—and when you expect so much, the heavier it will be to your heart.
4. Always choose to start a business that you’re familiar with. There is no sense going into a trendy business without any inkling on what it’s all about. Carefully assess what you deep down want and begin from there. See if you also have enough capital to cover for various aspects like rent or lease and marketing. Money is a business’ main driver. Make sure you have ample on standby.
5. Research and observe carefully your intended target market. Carefully listen to their woes, praises, and criticisms. Best of all, know what they need. This will be of core point when crafting strategies and tactics.
6. Make sure to invest in a business model that’s timely and relevant. Some womenpreneurs immediately grab on certain opportunities without even giving much thought on the future. Always be practical by choosing a business startup idea that provides solutions to current issues.
7. Surround yourself with people who can assist in propelling you to your success. You cannot do it alone. A good coach/mentor will be most welcome for their objectivity and motivational techniques. Some work colleagues, friends, and relatives may want to invest in your ideas giving you ample leeway to start a business. Learn from accomplished entrepreneurs and improvise your plans accordingly.
Definitely, this year holds a huge promise for many womenpreneurs. So open your mind to the vast possibilities of carving a business on your own. Combine hard work, strength and your personal desire to win. In everything else – love what you do and work for its success.


Client Relations Etiquette for Millennials https://simarinc.com/2017/10/14/client-relations-etiquette-millennials/ Sat, 14 Oct 2017 23:16:36 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=792 Millennials love to socialize. No doubt about that. This generation of go-getters loves to connect with like-minded people in the hope of amplifying their chances at success in business. With their penchant for both social connections and success, it is only fitting that they learn the trick of the trade when dealing with clients, particularly prospective investors and vendors.
To improve their social graces and stamp good first impression, the following tips come handy.
1. Be punctual and presentable. Always arrive on time, if not ahead of time. When doing so, always come properly dressed with your presentation, proposal or what-have-you perfectly organized. It would be highly inappropriate to keep your clients waiting. If heavy traffic is expected, travel ahead of time. Go for safe fashion choices and have a backup report handy.
2. Be courteous. It is imperative to great a client or clients properly. Interpersonal skills are essential when building client relations. Extend a firm handshake. Maintain good eye contact. When meeting potential clients from a foreign country, it is also imperative that you learn certain customs and traditions to show deep respect. Japanese businessmen, for instance, bow or shake hands while bowing.
3. Be genuinely interested. Listen to a client while he or she speaks. Ask questions. Nod your head to imply approval. Smile when needed, like when a client says a joke. Genuine engagement means you listen and digest what the other party is saying or presenting. People, in general, want to feel that you are genuinely interested to what they are saying.
4. Ask questions but make sure they are relevant. You will obviously come with your own personal agenda but before that, it is essential that you ask questions based on what the client is saying. Identify first what is deemed important by the client. Strike at the main premise of their thoughts and insert your proposed solution. People need solution, but first they want to know that you are listening to them.
5. When meeting over lunch or dinner, or even over casual meet-ups at a coffeeshop or bar, simple but good etiquette must be followed. If you ask for the meeting, pick up the tab. Allow guests to choose the menu and wine or beverage. You may also do appropriate research on clients’ food preference and have a table prepared beforehand. This will show how you value their presence.
6. Always exercise courteousness to everyone. This means, you should not only be polite to the clients but also for others who may be indirectly present during the meeting. Luncheon meetings, for instance, will expose you to the presence of a waiting staff. So make sure to extend good manners to these people.
7. Choose a location that provides excellent food and service without crippling your budget. There are quite a number of restaurants, cafes and watering holes nowadays that can provide you and your clients the privacy needed for the meeting. Make necessary arrangements days prior and call at least an hour prior to the meeting to finalize everything.
8. Like a gracious host, always allow others to start. Basic eating etiquette must also be observed. Do not talk when your mouth is full or chewing with the mouth closed must be taken into mind. Of course, don’t leave a mess.
9. Always steer clear of controversial topics when making small talks. Always keep things on the level, at best, stick to business matters. It is best to ditch controversial subjects or talks centered on partisanship.
10. After the meeting, it is essential to send a confirmation email conveying your gratitude as well as to recap what was agreed upon. Bestow your gratitude for the time provided and reiterate the proposal or business matter at hand. If proposal is accepted, send thanks appropriately.
Most of these client relation etiquettes are taught in school. The main idea is: be respectful to be respected in return. If possible, keep smartphone away during the meeting. Even when silent, it can still prove to be a distraction. Focus accordingly and you will most definitely get what you need.
Ways To Rock Your Business Blog https://simarinc.com/2017/10/14/ways-rock-business-blog/ Sat, 14 Oct 2017 14:10:41 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=789 It is a known fact that millions of business websites online have different designs or theme, but approximately 82 to 90 percent of them have blogs imbedded therein. Write-ups from these blogs are then shared to their social media accounts to keep their target audience engaged as well as drive traffic into their website. That is the simplest beauty of why having a blog in your website means a lot of difference to the whole marketing and brand-building goals of a business.
Blogging is your way of connecting to your audience on a personal level. It keeps people informed and your promotional efforts to be omnipresent without you sounding like a broken record. But you need to understand that not all blogs are the same. To give you an idea, here’s a quick guide on how to write relevant and helpful blogs that will help connect your thoughts and messages to the psyche of the audience.
1. Write relevant topics. People go to your page for information or solution to their problems. If you sell insurance, write blogs that tell them what insurance to buy for each specific need, how to do it, where to go, and why they should. It is also important to point out relevant information like what causes accidents to happen, how to be prepared and other interrelated notions revolving untoward incidents—which, by the way, is still connected to insurance.
2. When writing almost the same things as everyone, it is important that you present matters in a unique way. While everyone may write about the same notes about insurance, you can add data and numbers into the equation. The Interest is a treasure trove of facts and data—and the least you can do is to create a storyline for it.
3. Be consistent. Like everything else, consistency is the key in maintain interest of a growing audience. So make sure to have a writing style guide handy. Think about keywords and key phrases, grammatical parsing, and tone of voice. There’s a reason why a lawyer’s website is more formal than that of a fashion blogger.
4. Think outside the box. When appealing to a highly diversified audience, it is imperative that you do not pigeonhole yourself into a few topics. Extend your scope to other areas but make sure to maintain the “connection”. You can talk about celebrities having their leg or voice insured—and it’s still within the realm of the insurance business. Subtle yet, the message is still there: an insurance coverage is vital.
5. If you have no time to write or have no interest whatsoever in writing, find employees to delegate the task with. Two employees contributing to the site’s blog at least on a twice to four times a week basis is enough to sustain its traffic needs. Do make sure to get the employees’ commitment when doing so. Consistency, as mentioned, is a vital aspect in business blogging.
6. Feel free also to reach out to third party business consultancy firms who offer digital content management. Allison Todd and her SiMar Inc. digital media team offer comprehensive services to handle such concerns. This allows you to focus on the core responsibilities of the business while maintaining engagement of your target market—at a reasonable cost.
7. Organize a content calendar. Brainstorm with your staff or your third party service provider. Have a central theme and ensure that all topics covered will revolve on that theme. This will guarantee rich content pouring in on a regular basis keeping your audience enthralled by the information and solution your business brings to their lives.
When trying to rock a business blog, it is always imperative to consider three things—relevance, consistency, and constancy. All write-ups must be applicable and timely to the needs of your audience. It must be done in coherent and timely manner. Best of all, commit your site to deliver the right message.


Small Business Tips To Ramp Up Cyber Security https://simarinc.com/2017/10/12/small-business-tips-ramp-cyber-security/ Thu, 12 Oct 2017 09:55:52 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=768 Technology has never been this dynamic. With more and more small businesses jumping into the online bandwagon, it is no wonder why hackers are going berserk at the number of fresh opportunities to explore. In 2016, more than 71 percent of online attacks affect small businesses. Unlike larger corporate entities, small businesses have one weakness: a weak cyber security. They lack the budget to set-up airtight tools that will beef-up their security on cyberspace. This makes them vulnerable to even the simplest of threats.
When thinking of improving your cyber security without spending money, it is imperative to set-up your company’s online best practices. Here are some tips on how to steer clear of online predators:
  • Keep a layered approach in your cyber security processes. Daily ongoing tests for possible vulnerabilities as well as infiltration of hackers must be done. You can install current security software that do routine checks on certain spikes in web traffic as well as block any log-ins from portals outside the company. Real time authentication of online activities tapping on profiling of device and data feeds from known fraud sites must be in place. All these must be an ongoing process.
  • Be in control. Administrator privileges must be continually managed by a focused group in your company. Access and utilization of such pages via personal devices must also be limited in the office and prevent unguarded penetration from the outside. By picking reliable people to serve as admins, you can minimize data loss or data corruption. Experts highly recommend both time-window enforcement and location-based fencing to ensure security of highly sensitive information.
  • Enforce privacy policy on work-related functions. However, personal communications and contacts, non-work-related apps, and non-work related data must be excluded so as not trampling employee rights. Instead of rigid policies, develop more dynamic ones. A good example is to set-up regular automated updates on cyber security or reminding employees from regularly updating their passwords.
  • Establish a process for all employees to acquaint themselves on issues about cyber security. Raise awareness campaign. Set up training or re-training events to deal with the topics related to breach in online security.
  • While installing security patches is an essential precautionary measure, having an offsite back-up makes the initiative safer. The latter allows you to restore data that’s usable. In doing so, it must also be reiterated that data verification must also be done regularly.
  • Have a cyber insurance policy that’s tailored to your small business needs. There is no one-size-fits-all policy hence, the need to carefully outline what type of protection your business needs in terms of credit card information, customer directory, and other sensitive data. Be reminded that cyber risks are not covered by general liability insurance.
  • Make a semi-annual assessment on your business’ cyber security needs. If need be, seek out the help of a third party service provider. These people maintain a certain level of objectivity and expertise essential in giving businesses peace of mind. Make sure to do this either quarterly or semi-annually to make monitoring and assessment timely and effective.
Cyber security is a growing concern no matter what size the business. Small enterprises, however, have to take necessary steps to ensure their safety and that of their customers. When done accordingly, you can guarantee safety of all data farms in the business.
Healthy Eating Habits For Go-Getter Womenpreneurs https://simarinc.com/2017/10/11/healthy-eating-habits-go-getter-womenpreneurs/ Wed, 11 Oct 2017 09:32:53 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=759 Womenpreneurs have a lot on their plate. Apart from tending to their businesses, these women have to run a home, raise kids, or support a cause. They tend to move fast and unceasingly strive to achieve more. Women, being prolific fighters, tend to give in double than what’s intended—and this could compromise their health when not addressed accordingly. It is therefore important that they develop healthy eating habits to provide needed sustenance to the body and mind.
There are actually a few things that a womanpreneur can do to keep a hale and hearty lifestyle. Here are some tips how:
1. Always eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast is known to increase risks for obesity, diabetes, and mood alterations. Going to an early morning meeting with a growling stomach also diminishes your sharpness. No matter how simple, like grabbing an apple or banana or making a green smoothie, eating breakfast before taking off means a great deal to your mind and body.
2. Be prepared. If you can plan one full year of marketing strategies, why can’t you prepare a meal plan for the whole week? There are hundreds of apps out there which can help you on this ordeal. Yummly or MealBoard  are great options. Choose simple meals which you can grill or simply snuck into an oven. Invest in BPA-free, dishwasher-friendly plastic containers to help you organize your ingredients.
3. Go for convenient but healthy snacks. Those office vending machines offer nothing but high sugar, high in calories, and are virtually suffused in trans-fat. Pack up granola bars, boxes of raisins, fresh fruits, and veggie sticks. These help suppress your hunger pangs longer.
4. Always take a few minutes off your work when you eat a meal or go for a snack. Set aside your financial auditing task and focus on your meal. A quick walk around the block can also recharge your system making you feel refreshed the moment you go back to the chopping block.
5. Make lunch efficient by doing meet-ups. While the idea is to eat a nutritious midday meal, doing so with team members allows free flow of ideas. You can also meet clients and prospective investors or perhaps, beef-up your network of connections.
6. Always stay hydrated. Do you know that drinking water helps replenish needed electrolyte to keep your body and mind in tiptop shape? Or that you can survive days without food but not without water? Always keep a water dispenser handy in your office. Choose one with a hot-and-cold feature to deliver cold water during summer or hot water during winter.
7. Consider shopping for grocery early morning, on a Sunday. If you can, ditch those preservative-filled aisles and head directly to the fresh produce and organic section. You may also want the convenience of apps like InstaCart as they can deliver groceries to you straight from your favorite local stores.
8. Always choose nutrient-dense foods for your daily diet. Focus more on energy-boosting foods, fruits and vegetables, and whole grain. Do make sure that these are fresh and organic.
9. Limit alcohol intake. While happy hour drink may take place with a client, family, friends or employees, it is important to put a self-imposed limit. A glass of red wine is good for the heart but a bottle may spell disaster if done on a regular basis.
10. Spend dinner at home. This allows time well-spent with family members. If single, you may want to consider dinner with friends or cooking in batches. This helps keep work-life balance while nurturing a good emotional quotient.
All it takes is a few doable modifications in your eating habits to go about a vigorous business-life balance. Complement these with exercise routines, daily guided meditation or yoga, and a lot of positive thinking. When you keep yourself healthy, you can guarantee living life to the fullest while nurturing a flourishing business.
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Facebook Presence https://simarinc.com/2017/10/09/get-facebook-presence/ Mon, 09 Oct 2017 23:42:07 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=747  

With almost 2 billion active users across the globe, Facebook is definitely the ultimate social networking platform! Without a doubt, business marketers and entrepreneurs alike make good use of this as a podium for their campaigns to raise awareness, to sell products and services, or simply to build up a brand. With huge data exchanges and algorithms that give marketers a glimpse on how consumers think and choose, the need to find ways to leverage such is only fitting. However, Facebook being the anointed leader in social networking is continually evolving.
As a business owner and marketer, the need to keep up with its ever-changing platform requires due diligence. This year, it is high time to restart your marketing campaigns. To kickstart your efforts, here are ways how.
Video Posts. Ditch the usual photo and infographics. Spruce up your campaign with the use of gifs and short-video marketing campaigns. People across the world let their smart gadgets do the “talking” for them. Let your video presentation convey important aspects of your products, services or brand. The key is to do it in a “realistic” way and not the usual sanitized results done by professionals.
Go Interactive. Facebook LIVE is continually being leveraged by tech startups in their quest to crowdsource. Apart from amplifying competitive advantage, interactive efforts always foster trust and sincerity to their audiences. Staged videos may still maintain its vibe but definitely, going LIVE has its advantages.
Facebook Captions. When marketing or selling on a cross-cultural platform, the use of auto video-captioning tool on Facebook also promises to be of a huge advantage. To ensure accuracy, it is wise to use professional services.
Facebook Saved Audiences. Instead of the usual shotgun effect, do focused marketing to strike at the heart of your market demographic. Simply check out its Business Manager menu and customize your audiences by setting parameters. By the way, it is FREE and had always proven to be effective.
Facebook’s “Tracking Pixel”. Double your online engagement by using this as a direct conduit between your website and social media audiences. Keep them informed and engaged by installing it on your website. This will not only increase engagement but rewards as well.
Call To Action button. Facebook allows you to place one on the right-hand corner of your cover photo. A social media follower can simply click on the button and bring you directly at your e-commerce site’s doorsteps. In addition, embedding content from Facebook into your blogs or guest postings will also create multiple touch points with a target market.
Sync Email List. This allows you the option to keep your customer base informed of any changes, improvement or promos. This offers two-fold traffic benefits to your website and to your social media presence.
Also remember that Facebook algorithms also include your page’s response time to calculate your efficiency. As important as the efforts put into your Facebook account though, responding to messages in a timely and relevant manner can help cement your brand in the market. Do it spontaneously—and sincerely.
Addressing Counterproductive Behaviors Of Women Leaders https://simarinc.com/2017/09/25/addressing-counterproductive-behaviors-of-women-leaders/ Mon, 25 Sep 2017 12:28:52 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=639 Black women face challenge inside and outside the workplace.   From conversations about how we can wear our hair at work to the preconceived notions and stereotypes, it’s a fact one can not deny, especially if you happen to be a black woman.   Collectively women have been fighting one generation after another.  From access to interest, there is seemingly a constant struggle to be seen as an equal.  But, equal to what?
There are many successful women how have “figured it out”.  They understand the chaos of the real world and have figured out the path around the obstacles or the solution to face challenge.   But many are still hankering in the dark, holding back their greatness as a defense to a judgmental society.  And I am here to let you know that those defense mechanisms are only hurting yourself.  Eliminate the counterproductive behaviors and reveal your greatness.  What to do?  Start here:
  • STOP apologizing. Your opinion and your actions don’t have to match anyone else’s style.  Be collaborative without bending (or bowing) down to others. Your unique disposition can achieve the goal and be a valuable contribution to the decision-making process.
  • STOP curtailing your own convictions to accommodate someone else. It’s virtually  inconceivable to limit your greatness so others can feel better about themselves. It’s not as if you are choosing bragging or being a pushover.  Instead, you are making you, priority.  By valuing and trusting your ideals and decisions, you would be surprised how profitable it is for your career and business.  Be open to ideation, share your creative mind, offer your talents and capabilities, lend your support and do so with an energetic vibe.  Never let yourself feel small so another person can feel big, period.
  • STOP unhealthy habits.  Okay here’s a secret revealed, its OK to be an ambitious woman.  Be committed to achieving your career or business goals but do so without compromising your health.  Many successful workaholics have literally passed out before the awakening that they had to care for self first, more, NOW!   Divert from your routine and have fun.  Schedule time to be still, silent or meditate.  Let gratitude be a permanent part of your daily habits.  Most of all, forgive yourself.  There is no such thing as work-life balance and life happens. Ensure you can make it to the “finish line” and prioritize health and wellness.
  • STOP looking at the future but rather focus on the “now”.  Once you plan your goals and set your goals, focus forward and live in the now.  Coulda, shoulda, wouldas have no place in your vocabulary.  Give your best daily and press forward without regret.   Doing so will give you plenty of chance to build on your personal brand and carve a career path that will lead to the promising future of your dreams.  But don’t forget you can live abundantly today.  It’s not just about sustaining it’s also about adapting, life will throw change at you like curve balls (at high speed), it’s OK. Brace yourself and ….what? You got it! Press forward!
  • STOP limiting yourself. Many people will tell you not to have a family, career, entrepreneurship, volunteerism and more at the same time.  They will give you every reason while living with boundaries is what’s right for you! WRONG. Kick those notions to the curb and do, at least try the things that speaks to your heart (and the things that don’t).  Live limitless and accept the notion that life is an adventure. A quick look at some of the most successful black women today will tell you that there is no limit to what you can achieve as a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, a career professional, a celebrity, an executive, you name it – there’s no limit. Believe and take action and you have won half of the battle is won.
The time has come for you to STOP these counter-productive behaviors now! Get a hold of your inner prowess and start carving positive changes in your life, career and business. Now is the time for you to own your greatness and live beyond the limits your fears.   One generation after another, women to women we will continue and it doesn’t have to be a fight.  Instead let it be a life lived well, outloud.  Perhaps the internalized struggle is the most powerful of all and once conquered life can be lived …without limits.

