SMM – SiMar Thu, 19 Oct 2017 09:39:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SMM – SiMar 32 32 Top Challenges Continually Haunting Women Today Thu, 19 Oct 2017 09:39:14 +0000 Without a doubt, women today enjoy more freedom in terms of rights and opportunities compared to those who lived in the 60’s or 70’s. For decades, women have to fight for their rights so that those who live today can enjoy it. But how far have women really come when it comes to equal opportunities, liberty, and equality for all? While scouring various write-ups, the following issues tend to crop up the most.
1. Discrimination still runs its gamut in the workplace. While the Equal Pay Act of 1963 may be well established, wage discrimination towards women is still widely common these days. Income inequality is concealed among company policies disallowing employees from freely disclosing their fees. This, beside the fact, that CEOs or other top-level management positions are still largely dominated by men.
2. With the latest election results, it is also safe to assume that out of the many industrial countries across the globe, the US still lags behind in terms of women as president or head of state. Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Latin American countries, and some 40+ more have elected women leaders to run their state. America, however, has none—to this day.
3. Pregnancy is still an issue in the workplace. Employers, though in all their discretion, still shun away from women and see their reproductive prowess as more of a disadvantage in the workplace. This outright discrimination is properly documented and resolved with various legal actions but, unfortunately, it’s as real as it gets out there.
4. Of course, occupational sex segregation is also apparent in various industries. Science and engineering communities, for instance, have men outnumbered women at around 65 to 73 percent. This is even more so in petroleum and other heavy-duty industries where women are deemed “inappropriate”.
5. Amid scientific progress and technological advances, women’s frustration over sexism of their menstrual cycle remains. While the likes of Miki Agrawal have started an era on “menstruation revolution” by developing products designed to alleviate this frustrating monthly cycle among women, cool in-your-face advertising campaigns are still being heavily frowned upon by some segments in society.
6. Sexual violence is still heavily directed at women. Recent surveys have shown that at least 7 out of 10 victims of sexual assault, rape, or various acts of lasciviousness are women. Getting blamed and shamed is still as tangible as it was a decade or two ago. As frustrating as it may sound, women are still deemed weak in a male-dominated society.
7. Of course, the media industry does not help either. Ava DuVernay and Ronda Shimes may have become household names in film but the number of women directors being cast in topnotch films and television series is at a poor state. Highest pay in the entertainment industry still goes to actors. Even in news sitcoms, many women have to contend with doing the weather.
Yes, there are still so many challenges haunting women of today. The idea is to find ways and means to ensure that such issues be addressed consistently and with constancy. In all essence, women have a lot to offer—if only they are given a fair chance by society at large.
Cultivating A Happy Company Culture—Without Spending So Much Money! Sat, 14 Oct 2017 09:04:59 +0000 A company which keeps its employees happy is often ensured of focused work engagements and more productive results. Happy employees are simply eager to report to work and willing to go the extra mile for the business. Studies however, reveal that many employers are not completely in sync on what makes their workforce happy.
This makes employee retention still a huge issue today. One huge root cause: employers are not living up its employees’ expectations. When thinking of cultivating a happy company culture to usher much higher employee retention, the following tips from experts come handy:
1. Incentivize good performance. Employees work for a living. Many of them have mouths to feed and a lifestyle to uphold. It would be prudent to offer promotions and bonuses to keep them on their happy toes.
2. If possible, allow flexible work arrangements. People easily get fed-up with monotonous 9 to 5 work schedule. Some workers are morning persons while others simply wake up groveling to early ringing of their alarm clocks. Giving them such flexibility will enhance creativity and provide more positive results in the long run.
3. Off hours must be kept as it is. One common cause of burn out is when employers blur the line between home and work. Just because employees have access to emails or social media or SMS messaging does not make them on-call all the time. Steer clear of constant connectivity. Instead shift to a more focused workplace to ensure job requirements are finished within work allotted time, if not ahead of it.
4. Always make room for a growth mindset. Employees strive not just to earn money but also to improve their status in life. Nobody wants to be a clerk forever. People work to their bones to realize some of their success goals. Try to satisfy their hunger by offering trainings, coaching sessions or skill building and other development programs. Let them take roots but make sure to give them wings to soar high along with the business.
5. Be a compassionate leader. Understand that like everyone else, your employees have both strengths and weaknesses. While focusing on their strong points is essential for their growth, it is also important to point out their weakness and find ways to make it work to their advantage.
6. Practice the sense of gratitude in the workplace. Gratitude, no matter how small, never goes unappreciated. Acknowledging simple victories is no different than recognizing huge triumphs. Give thanks to each and every effort.
7. Always ensure employees that they’re part of the business’ long term plan. It is one thing to earn incentives but definitely another to make them feel they are growing along with the company. Provide opportunities and always set new challenges to stimulate new roles.
In all these, it is important to focus on finding candidates with the right “cultural fit” to your goals. Some people, no matter how brilliant, may still not able to deliver what the business needs due to certain clashes. While education, experience, and expertise may sound the most promising characteristics to look for, a strong work ethic that mirrors that of the company plus the attitude to carry will ultimately count.
Tips On Organizing A Successful Team Building Event Tue, 10 Oct 2017 09:45:41 +0000 Running a business does not rest on a single shoulder. It requires both cohesive and collaborative efforts. For every effort to be a success, the need to rise above passion and dedication is a must. It needs a team to work hand in hand with clear goals set. When thinking of developing a highly efficient team, the need to organize team building activities must be carefully considered. But going beyond the catch-all term that tends to only deliver the “fun” side of the story, organizing one can be quite overwhelming.
Team building helps nurture a productive workplace. When organizing one, however, it is imperative to invest time and resources in finding the right solution. Here are some ways to jumpstart your creative prowess in organizing one.
1. Make use of regular work days or hours to schedule a team building activity. Your employees or members of the team may not say it out loud, but putting extra time on weekends to attend a mandatory office-related event won’t just cut it. Choose a Wednesday or a Friday over lunch or breakfast—and provide food, of course.
2. Consider holding the event outside the office. Employees tend to interact freely when offsite. While the idea of using the company boardroom may sound fetching, organizing the team building session in another meeting space will give them a sense of liberty and the notion that such is not part of “regular” work.
3. Aside from the venue, do make sure that planned activities are clear and accessible to everyone. Without a doubt, fun activities like tug of war or relay races or other sporty activities can provide fun in team-building efforts, some may feel left out due to prevailing physical or health conditions. To ensure inclusion, choose appropriate activities that will involve everyone. Hold a brainstorming session weeks prior to know their sentiments.
4. The key is to set clear expectations. Make sure to inform your staff the intent of such activity. Whether it is to realign company goals or to come up with more efficient operational system in place or to cohesively integrate new employees with the old ones, your staff should know that it’s not just an ice breaker or an excuse to get off work for a few hours. The clearer the expectations, the more focused the efforts will be.
5. Place collaboration at the core of the event. Stress to your staff that competition, though healthy, is not the only way to succeed. In doing so, choose activities or contests that encourage them to work closely together.
6. Consider integrating the culture of philanthropy into your company’s team building efforts. Infuse the virtue of volunteerism as a way for employees to work together with the intent of doing something for those in need. Get everyone involved on community or local fundraisers. This will not only motivate them to be better employees but as responsible citizens, too.
7. Don’t forget to thank your staff for making the event successful and to gather feedback. Allow them to do so in anonymity so they can objectively provide truthful reaction on the event. Use both negative and constructive feedback as a blueprint for the next team building activity.
Team building activities create a more productive workplace with plenty of avenues for growth. Invest time and resources in organizing these events on a regular basis. Use your creative prowess or perhaps, hire an outside trainer to make the activity even more purposeful.
Tips To Using TweetChat For Business Sat, 07 Oct 2017 14:50:20 +0000 Do you wish to expand your social network? Twitter has always been one of the biggest platforms when thinking of social media. In 2016 alone, Twitter rose to 317 million monthly active users. According to Statista, that’s more or less 15 million growth in less than 12 months! Today, a new trend is beginning to gain momentum on Twitter that makes many business startups and thriving ones on their toes—TweetChat.
Social networking event, TweetChat, is akin to old-school chatrooms but with a twist. Instead of just agreeing to meet at a specified schedule, hashtags are being used to track down topics being discussed. This makes the chatroom swarming with online crawlers agitating market algorithms to go haywire. For first-timers, hosting or joining a TweetChat room can be of great help in organically building your brand online. To achieve your goals, here are tips to start it out right for the first time.
1. Follow common chatroom etiquette. Tweetchats all have a distinctive format which will set out the governing rules of the whole chatting period. Questions are usually numbered and with chat-specific hashtag. When you engage with someone on the chatroom, with the host or otherwise, always indicate the question number and your answer. This allows easy tracking of responses or exchanges. It is important to be courteous, too. You can be booted out or, worst, ignored with your rotten behavior.
2. Keep responses succinct and relevant. Do remember to inject some fun anecdotes, too. When someone engages with you, it is important to respond with ease. Akin to being in a party, engaging in small talks will help expand your network as you work your way to the punch bowl.
3. Go for effective visuals. Present funny memes, photos, or GIFs relevant to the topics at hand. Using appropriate emojis will also help relay emotions. For business accounts, it is essential to remember that relevant and suitable visuals be used. You can easily get lost in the labyrinth of discussion but, always remember to maintain objectivity at all times.
4. Engage with other chatters. While your main aim is to serve your own answers to the host’s questions, it would be wise to chat with other users, too. Take time to observe and look for those whom you can easily converse with.
5. For hosts, focus on your role. You are not only there to answer questions. You need to moderate interactions, too. Make sure to improve your typing speed particularly when topics posted are inundated with replies or questions.
6. Keep track of the hashtags being used. This allows you a way to measure the effectiveness of the event.  Monitoring sites like Hootsuite or Twubs can be of help in gauging the performance for the said social networking event.
7. Build up connection by participating in 2 or 3 Tweetchats. More so, consider being a “regular” on these chatrooms. This will help expand your connections as well as your following. At the very least, an hour of engagement will help fortify that connection.
Tweetchat is a hot commodity on Twitter right now. Seize the moment and be on the lookout for relevant topics. To be effective, strive to be extra careful and maintain proper etiquette. Build your social brand now!


Communication: A Key To Building Trust In The Service Industry Sat, 07 Oct 2017 09:43:39 +0000 The crucial role of communication can never be denied in serviced-based businesses. From education to health care, hospitality, accounting, customer service, and even in online aspects, communication is deemed crucial to effectively foster mutual trust with clients. However important, it is also the most taken for granted. Service providers, no matter how busy, must always find a way to keep clients informed and their satisfaction level high. They need to know that something is being done and that progress is being made—which can only be realized by giving no-nonsense consistent communication.
Often, service businesses are reactive rather than proactive. This is where issues easily fall through the cracks. The idea should be to constantly and consistently keep clients informed. To do that, here are some handy tips:
1. Set expectations clearly at the onset. From the start of the business relationship, carefully and clearly discuss the manner of communication, updates and feedback system, channels and platforms to use, and so on. Strategies and goals must be clearly presented along with the communication system in place. Allow them to present their preferred communication style, but make sure also to present your own system. The key is to find a common ground where both of you can meet regularly.
2. Make good use of all communication channels—and set proper schedule. Communicate clearly communication channels like email, phone, social media pages, or messaging system to be used. Set an appropriate schedule like 24-hour reply or feedback. Emergency communication platforms must also be in place to ensure that everything is covered. Be very clear and specific on this. Take note that mobile gadgets are heavily being used these days, but clients must know that it is highly irregular to do midnight calls or that you cannot reply to email messages sent during wee hours.
3. Do not be afraid to set boundaries. As important as opening communication line between you and your clients, certain limits must also be imposed. This will help prevent any issues of indifference or communication gaps. See to it that clients understand when or where you are not available. As mentioned, setting a reasonable timeframe for replies or feedback must be clearly discussed. Unless your services are 24/7, your clients should not expect you to run to their every beck and call.
4. Always keep clients informed. When handling projects, it is imperative to always keep them updated on the progress. Many business today make use of project management tools like Trello allow them to check on certain aspects of the project from time to time. Dropbox and Google Docs are also excellent programs for sharing information and constant updates. Most importantly, try to consider at least weekly face-to-face discussion either personally done or via video-messaging system to answer any additional queries.
Never underestimate the power of communication. As a service-based company, it must be placed on one of the topmost aspects of your priorities. Delivering quality work is one way to deliver your brand. But consistent communication will be the very aspect that enforces security and trust.


Understanding The Role Of Money Blueprint To Your Success Goals Wed, 04 Oct 2017 07:01:10 +0000 Why do some people spend money like there’s no tomorrow, while others can’t even spare a few dollars in a thrift store? Why does financial success so easy for others to achieve? Though an abstract concept, money has always been a crucial aspect in everything else. From the economy to business, personal relationships, education, insurance, well, virtually everything!—money is at the root of all these aspects. But while it is easy to wallow in financial stress, taking a deeper look on your money blueprint may give you a clearer look on how it can be leveraged to work to your advantage.
Personal Money Blueprint
Your personal money blueprint is not necessarily all about how you interact with money. It also delves on how it affects your personal interaction with others. As unique individuals with frailties, it is important to realize your own imperfections and challenges that hinder financial well-being. You need to assess how you deal with money and your attitude to others who do things differently than you do. It must also assess your thoughts on debt, charity, savings, investing, and spending. Your reaction to inflation, work compensation, and so on will also be considered—and a host of other aspects that rests largely on your personal convictions.
In truth, your very own money blue print is your financial DNA. It is part and parcel of who you are. From the moment you develop a brain in the womb, your mother’s financial convictions are subconsciously linked to you. This is then, consistently being embedded into your life as you grow old and become more conscious of the world. Pre-programmed—yes, that’s who you are in terms of money and wealth—by your parents, the people who surround you, and external factors like mainstream media, school teachings, and so on.
Reconstructing Wealth Mindset
No matter how your money blueprint was shaped up though, changing your mindset and behavior can be done. It is, of course, going to a heavy tug-of-war with your subconscious attacking your awareness on each and every turn. Changing your mindset on wealth creation though, must start with an eager desire to recognize your financial frailties and start reconstructing your mindset from there. Adjust your thoughts and outlook on spending, saving and investing by doing daily motivational acts and of embracing life’s simple realities.
To live, you need to spend on necessities. To live and be happy, you have to put a little leeway for luxury like travel and other fun-filled experiences. To live happily and successfully, you need to cultivate a money mindset on wise investment. To live happily, successfully and with a sense of purpose, you need to be able to share what you have with others. To achieve your goals, you need to embrace that there will always be hardships along the way. You need to rethink everything and to step out of your comfort zone. A good coach will be a great help at some point. In the end, your money blueprint and whatever positive changes you wish to impose all begins with one thing—YOU.


Posting Secrets To Rock Your Instagram Campaign Sun, 24 Sep 2017 19:08:08 +0000 Is timing also a concern in Instagram? Like Twitter and Facebook,posting time has also been a fodder of discussion to Instagram users. While recent polls mentioned that the best time to post on social media (regardless of platform) is between 7pm to 9pm, it cannot be held true for everyone as target markets can be varied– different geographical location, different audience and different time zones. But why find out the right time to post on Instagram though? Well, if you are not familiar with IG’s algorithm changes last year, you should know by now that highly engaging posts are being “prioritized” on your newsfeed. This means that a post with more likes and comments will be visible to more people, increasing its reach and success potential.
So, what to do to rock your Instagram campaign? When thinking of generating more engagement to your Instagram posts, here are some posting secrets to remember this 2017:
  • Off-Work Hours. Schedule IG campaigns on hours where your audiences are most likely not on-board any work commitment. Lunch break usually falls between 11AM to 1PM while dinner engagement is usually at 7PM to 9PM. People nowadays, if not socializing, are checking their Instagram accounts for updates. So, schedule your posts on Hootsuite or any social media scheduling platform during these times.
  • Weekdays and Weekends. To be sure, make your campaign run for the whole week including weekends to expand your reach. Week days are known to be effective for B2B companies as majority of businesses still operate on these days. Weekends are highly advisable for B2C companies and are also great for fun campaigns. Wednesdays and Thursdays are also known to deliver the most punch in terms of engagement.
  • Time Zone Savvy. Always take time to consider your target audience time zone. If you are in the East Coast, for instance, but the bulk of your followers come from the West or from another continent, then, adjust your posting schedule according to their time zone.
  • 3 o’ Clock Habit. Considered to deliver the lowest engagement rate in many geographical locations, the hour between 3PM and 4PM must be avoided by B2B companies as this is where most deadliest deadlines rest. B2C companies, however, can have fun experimenting on this timeframe.
Indeed, timing is everything when it comes to business– social media notwithstanding. When trying to optimize your campaign’s engagement, it is of utmost importance to use analytic tools that can help you a head’s up on various aspects directly affecting your posts. Aside from pinpointing geographical location, age, gender, and buying habits, it is also best to check the time they are most active on Instagram and start your campaign rolling from there. Find an airtight scheduler and keep track of its progress. As always, your dedication and commitment will matter a lot on making your posts a success.


Instagram Hacks Every Marketing Ninja Should Know Sat, 23 Sep 2017 22:48:12 +0000 Do you know that Instagram is gaining a strong foothold in the marketing realm? While Facebook still holds the top rank, Instagram had surpassed Twitter this year in terms of monthly active user– 500 million and growing! Instagram’s main push comes from the millennials and GenZ but recent surveys reveal that Generation X as well as Baby Boomers are also using the platform to connect to family members and friend–on a daily basis. This makes it a fantastic platform to rev-up your marketing campaign or to carve your career path.
For businesses and career-oriented individuals who have never tried using Instagram as a marketing or personal branding platform, it is high time to know some effective hacks in making this avenue work to your favor.
  • Want to know what top influencers have been doing? New trends being made viral? New career development? Turn on specific notifications for individual users. Simply visit their personal pages and look for the three dots usually found on the upper right-hand corner of the page and turn on notifications. For iOS users, simply go to Settings>Notifications>Instagram> Allow Notifications. For Android users, go to Settings>Apps>Instagram>Show notifications.
  • Need to unlike a post that may prove to be detrimental to your personal or business marketing campaign? Check all the posts you liked by clicking on the Options button>Posts You’ve Liked on your profile. This is usually a gear icon on an iOS device and three dots for Android. Look for the post you want to unlike and “de-select” the heart icon.
  • For businesses needing to be abreast with what competitors are doing, there’s a way for you to look at their ad campaigns without the worry of accidentally liking them– the airplane mode. Simply load the posts and once all photos you need had loaded, turn on Airplane Mode and voila! No more anxiety over double tapping on pictures done by competitors.
  • Filtering or editing of visual images on Instagram is a given. If you want filters to only have what you’ve always been using, you can actually reorder the editing window and hide those you never touch. Simply hold and drag on the filters you wish to remove or de-select the checkmark to the right.
  • Instagram can also be used as an editing tool even without posting. To do this, simply publish a picture while on Airplane Mode. That means, no internet connection, no post will make it through. Just turn on “Save Original Photo” in your settings though.
  • Want a facelift in your bio and captions? Add the magical line breaks by pressing the “123” key found on the bottom left-hand corner on your keyboard. When done accordingly, the Return key should appear on the bottom right.
  • Ever heard of individuals sacked from their jobs due to accidental posts in social media? Better safe than sorry. Hide all photos you have been tagged in. You can set it to Tag Photos Manually or go to the Options button>Hide Photos> Select tagged photos you want removed then, tap Hide Photos again when prompted and chose Hide From Profile.
  • Want to check what’s brewing in your hood or a specific location you wish to pursue? Browse specific location by tapping the Search icon at the home screen’s bottom area. Choose Places and key in the location then, Search. If you want to cover a wider net, simply choose Near Current Location. Or you may simply click on a Geotag to save time.
  • Want to drive more traffic to your own website? Make your Profile’s clickable URL work wonders by adding a powerful call to action on certain posts. Feel free also to have your Instagram profile verified so you can add links to the Story line.
  • Want to send marketing campaign or personal branding photos to a targeted group of people? Simply upload a photo and tap New Post on the Share page and select Direct Message. From there, choose from the people you want the material sent. Simply click on the mailbox icon to check for any replies or queries sent afterwards.
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