MasterClass – SiMar Mon, 25 Sep 2017 12:28:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MasterClass – SiMar 32 32 Addressing Counterproductive Behaviors Of Women Leaders Mon, 25 Sep 2017 12:28:52 +0000 Black women face challenge inside and outside the workplace.   From conversations about how we can wear our hair at work to the preconceived notions and stereotypes, it’s a fact one can not deny, especially if you happen to be a black woman.   Collectively women have been fighting one generation after another.  From access to interest, there is seemingly a constant struggle to be seen as an equal.  But, equal to what?
There are many successful women how have “figured it out”.  They understand the chaos of the real world and have figured out the path around the obstacles or the solution to face challenge.   But many are still hankering in the dark, holding back their greatness as a defense to a judgmental society.  And I am here to let you know that those defense mechanisms are only hurting yourself.  Eliminate the counterproductive behaviors and reveal your greatness.  What to do?  Start here:
  • STOP apologizing. Your opinion and your actions don’t have to match anyone else’s style.  Be collaborative without bending (or bowing) down to others. Your unique disposition can achieve the goal and be a valuable contribution to the decision-making process.
  • STOP curtailing your own convictions to accommodate someone else. It’s virtually  inconceivable to limit your greatness so others can feel better about themselves. It’s not as if you are choosing bragging or being a pushover.  Instead, you are making you, priority.  By valuing and trusting your ideals and decisions, you would be surprised how profitable it is for your career and business.  Be open to ideation, share your creative mind, offer your talents and capabilities, lend your support and do so with an energetic vibe.  Never let yourself feel small so another person can feel big, period.
  • STOP unhealthy habits.  Okay here’s a secret revealed, its OK to be an ambitious woman.  Be committed to achieving your career or business goals but do so without compromising your health.  Many successful workaholics have literally passed out before the awakening that they had to care for self first, more, NOW!   Divert from your routine and have fun.  Schedule time to be still, silent or meditate.  Let gratitude be a permanent part of your daily habits.  Most of all, forgive yourself.  There is no such thing as work-life balance and life happens. Ensure you can make it to the “finish line” and prioritize health and wellness.
  • STOP looking at the future but rather focus on the “now”.  Once you plan your goals and set your goals, focus forward and live in the now.  Coulda, shoulda, wouldas have no place in your vocabulary.  Give your best daily and press forward without regret.   Doing so will give you plenty of chance to build on your personal brand and carve a career path that will lead to the promising future of your dreams.  But don’t forget you can live abundantly today.  It’s not just about sustaining it’s also about adapting, life will throw change at you like curve balls (at high speed), it’s OK. Brace yourself and ….what? You got it! Press forward!
  • STOP limiting yourself. Many people will tell you not to have a family, career, entrepreneurship, volunteerism and more at the same time.  They will give you every reason while living with boundaries is what’s right for you! WRONG. Kick those notions to the curb and do, at least try the things that speaks to your heart (and the things that don’t).  Live limitless and accept the notion that life is an adventure. A quick look at some of the most successful black women today will tell you that there is no limit to what you can achieve as a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, a career professional, a celebrity, an executive, you name it – there’s no limit. Believe and take action and you have won half of the battle is won.
The time has come for you to STOP these counter-productive behaviors now! Get a hold of your inner prowess and start carving positive changes in your life, career and business. Now is the time for you to own your greatness and live beyond the limits your fears.   One generation after another, women to women we will continue and it doesn’t have to be a fight.  Instead let it be a life lived well, outloud.  Perhaps the internalized struggle is the most powerful of all and once conquered life can be lived …without limits.

