entrepreneurs – SiMar https://simarinc.com Mon, 28 Oct 2024 06:29:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://simarinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/logo.png entrepreneurs – SiMar https://simarinc.com 32 32 Top Tips for First-Time Entrepreneurs https://simarinc.com/2020/06/01/top-tips-for-first-time-entrepreneurs/ Mon, 01 Jun 2020 10:00:06 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=14888 Are you starting your business as a first-time entrepreneur? If so, here are some top tips to get started. Be warned, it’s work. As an entrepreneur, starting out, who can’t use a few tips to get ahead, right? First tip, make the most of your opportunities. The best opportunities will have measurable success. That success includes things that generate more traffic, increase leads, and maximize conversions.

Here are some top tips to consider when you are starting your business:  

Dear First-Time Entrepreneur

Allison Todd, Operations & Digital Growth Strategist, explains that in order for first-timers to create a successful business they need to a plan for success. That plan includes these top to dos: (a) fine-tune the business plan, (b) assess the finances, (c) complete the business legal paperwork and (d) schedule some “pick your brain” sessions with the experts.  Oh and be sure to choose the best tools and systems to boost your business marketing strategies.

Identify What Makes Your Business Stand Out

Before you start all of your business planning, take some time to think about the business as a whole. Think about what sets your business apart from others. For instance, if you are planning to launch a coaching business, there are tons of coaches. How will your business stand out. The foundation of your business plan is your unique selling proposition. So, what’s yours? Your customers will remember how you differentiate from your market competition? It’s essential.

Describe the Business and Business Model

Once you have discovered your unique selling proposition, you will have a good understanding of your business niche. It’s important that you be able to share what your business is, how it serves its clients and what makes your business different from the rest. As you build your business, you will speak to many people.  Prepare yourself to be able to articulate your niche in various ways. This includes a proper business description and a business summary. The business summary will include both short-term & long-term business goals, the business structure, the business marketplace and more.  With all of your planning, continuously analyze your business model. 

Analyze the Market Conditions 

The business market dictates your business success. When testing your business idea, ask yourself if your business has a place in the market. Identify your target market and the the target audience. Get specific and outline your ideal customer. Why will your customers buy products and services from your business? Be detailed. Describe this person in detail and identify their pain points. Once you understand the market, create your action plan. Your action plan is the strategy. Define the steps that illustrate how to reach your target market, connect with your target market and convert.  

First Time Entrepreneur Teams & Their Roles

Part of a good business plan is knowing what type of business team you need. You should be able to identify when it is time to build or grow your team. The business growth and business income are good indicators. The secret to this is having an understanding of your finances. Outline your business team to include the roles and responsibilities. Who will be responsible for what aspects of your business? How will responsibilities and tasks be assigned to each team or each person? How will you manage those people and their tasks. Allison shares, “Knowing what you need in advance will ensure you identify when you need it while growing your business.”

Starting a new business can be overwhelming, with or without a plan. Contact SiMar to learn more about the business services that support your needs. You are creating business steps while building, executing, managing and growing. Understand that it’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth it! You will learn as you go and that’s ok. By all means, keep going. Make sure you ask for help when you need it. With a few simple tips & strategies, you can look forward to starting a growing new business.

For more tips and techniques, join our business community at position2profit.com

Taking the Grateful Path and Why It’s Greater https://simarinc.com/2018/01/10/taking-the-grateful-path-and-why-its-greater/ Thu, 11 Jan 2018 02:35:41 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=1196
If you are unsure, taking the grateful path is the way to go and here’s why it’s greater.  For those at a crossroads career wise, the new year can bring a lot of deep thinking and self-reflection. Entrepreneurs consider whether their business plans are effective, while job seekers–particularly new applicants–devise 101 ways to expand their skill set with the hopes of finding the perfect employer and job.
A goal or dream realized, a successfully implemented plan, landing a good paying job that you also happen to love, or anything that resembles a victory easily allows gratefulness to creep into one’s heart. But when life offers the opposite or less than what’s expected, we still need to embrace an attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude: The Grateful Path

Gratefulness will tell you that there is a reason for every failure, for every botched business startup, for every job opportunity lost. Gratitude will help you embrace reality and usher you towards much better solutions as you work to achieve your life’s purpose and goals. Do you regularly feel or express appreciation for what has happened in your life whether it’s good or bad? I can help you assess the ups and downs that randomly occur as you attain your personal and professional goals! We’ll kick-start 2018 by tackling your personal development plan, crafting and/or reworking your vision statement and mission, and always end on a positive note, with motivational tips for aspiring entrepreneurs.
But remember that everything in life begins and ends with an attitude of gratitude! Paving a grateful path includes routinely expressing thanks for both huge and trivial things, as well as all of those moments in between. Let your gratitude spread like wildfire to the essence of your being, and then share the wealth with others. When you live in gratitude, you can handle anything thrown at you as life easily comes full circle.
–And on that note, SiMar Inc. thanks you for being here! Together, let’s make 2018 the first chapter of your success story!
Does happiness elude you? People mover, community builder, and confidence coach, Allison Todd can help you get back on your feet, untangle the heavy burden of your heart, and unleash the prowess hidden deep within you. Check out SiMar Inc.’s coaching services now!
SiMar Makes Automation Simple!  https://simarinc.com/2017/12/18/simar-makes-automation-simple/ Mon, 18 Dec 2017 16:28:38 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=1181 Automate Your Business Systems

Automate Your Business Systems

SiMar Makes Automation Simple! 

Technology continues to WOW us at SiMar, as its constant evolution has paved the way for advanced automation.

If you started a business in 2017–or planned to and are still working out the details–  it’s important to be ready for new tech ideas that can help propel you to success in 2018! 

Our upcoming blog on Gearing for a Tech Savvy Small Business will cover this in more detail but in the meantime, here are a few major business trends that owners and consumers alike cannot ignore: 

Business On-Demand: Without a doubt, this is the era of everything on-demand. People are dependent on phone apps for most everything they do. From taxi rides to shopping, travel, entertainment, and more, the tech industry will be even more accommodating in 2018. Which leads to . . .  

Digital Consumerism. Brick and mortar retail is declining at a steady pace. As more people prefer shopping online, businesses will be left with no choice but to jump into the digitalization of consumerism. With this, the need for businesses to learn the highly aggressive and volatile nature of digital media must be carefully studied and implemented. Check out some startup possibilities in this week’s blog, Top Online Business Ideas For 2018. 

Business Analytics. The ways that information is gathered and communicated globally is evolving. New developments are constantly being pursued by experts to find gadgets that not only fit in your pockets or purse, but also deliver astounding solutions to make our lives easier. And how are our needs being determined, you ask? Using the same technology that tracks the way you spend, how/where you like to spend, and all things information. In 2018, most software programs handling econometrics, auditing, financial analyses, operations, marketing research, and feasibility studies will become more refined. 

Digital Security. One of the biggest occupational hazards in business is digital security, and there will be an even greater need in 2018. Security issues have permeated the wireless sector, manufacturing and automation, data management, and other cutting-edge business arenas. Any business using digital media in its overall operations will need to tighten its cybersecurity skills. This week’s blog, Small Business Tips to Ramp Up Cyber Security, will help you get a handle on some DIY tasks that can keep your business safe online. 

Without a doubt, tech trends are being designed to address consumers and cater to the core needs of businesses across industries. The tech industry will be even more aggressive in 2018, so entrepreneurs and career-driven individuals alike must be ready. 

Want to learn how your business can take advantage of the latest tech trends? SiMar Inc., Atlanta’s premier business consultancy, and digital media management firm, offers comprehensive digital marketing and management services. Call Allison Todd for a consultation now! 


Growth Mindset: You Can Think Yourself To Success https://simarinc.com/2017/11/07/developing-good-business-mindset/ Tue, 07 Nov 2017 12:42:07 +0000 https://simarinc.com/?p=1059 Yes, it is true.  You CAN think yourself to success with the right growth mindset.  What you think, you indeed become.
if you tell yourself you can not do it, guess what you can’t do it.  But if you believe that you can then you will.  Now, this premise doesn’t mean that if you think you can run 20 miles in a minute that you can.  It means that if you have a growth mindset that you expose yourself to the possibilities rather than limit yourself with negativity.  Modern psychologist Carol Dweck researches growth mindset and is known for teaching that we can grow our brain to success.  Her study titled “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” has garnered a growing following for years.
Mindset Defined
But what is mindset? Simply put we become what we think.  If we think we can’t…we can’t.  According to Dweck, a mindset is an “inquiry into the power of both our conscious and subconscious beliefs and how changing even the simplest of such beliefs can create a profound impact on every aspect of our lives.”  It lies in the idea that how our conviction and principles concerning our abilities and potential can stimulate the way we behave or act thereby, predicting our success.
There are, however, two mindsets—fixed and growth.  A fixed mindset is deeply ingrained in our system. It goes with the assumption that a person’s character, intellect, and creative ability are given. This set of inherent features are fixed and can’t be changed.  A growth mindset, on the other hand, is one that can be nurtured like a flower waiting to bloom.  This mindset thrives on overcoming challenges and looks at failures as avenues for growth.  It thrives on hard work, resiliency, and efforts. These two mindsets convey a great deal of how we behave, how we dance around success and failure, and ultimately on how to create sustainable growth for the business.
 Managing Business Success
While a strong fixed business mindset is good, it can’t be denied a nurtured growth mindset is essential.  It’s needed more so in today’s constantly changing and competitive markets.   Entrepreneurs and career professionals can no longer rely on our team’s skill set and must also incorporate a growth mindset that allows you to identify your path to business success.
It’s important to understand that relying on a fixed mindset alone will make challenges, more challenging.   An active growth mindset allows your internal monologue to identify new avenues and innovative direction.  It creates an opportunity to see the bigger picture and plan sustainable success rather than being limited by a fixed belief system.   Growth mindset allows you to constantly look for ways to grow and effectively manage challenges.  In short, it allows you to think outside the box while growing and learning.
Nurturing A Growth Mindset
Science tells us that by virtue of neuroplasticity, our brain does changes no matter how old we become.  So the good news is the opportunity to change is consistently available.  The key is being open to a new way of thinking and train your mind to build new skills.  Find your developing path and plan to stay ahead of the competitive curve.
Professional coaches will assist you as you create your new way of thinking.  According to experts like SiMar’s founder, Allison Todd, one must first recognize their way of thinking in an effort to realize a new way of thinking.  The growth mindset is a commitment to self and essential to the success process.  It’s important to tune out the negative internal monologue of a fixed mindset.  Identify ways to process the stumbling blocks of business.  Create a constant path of progress toward your business prospers.  And whatever you do, don’t ever give up.  Remember, the way you shape-up your mind has a huge impact on the way you manage your business.
If you believe your mindset is getting in the way of your progress, SiMar coaches are here to assist you.  Schedule a conversation with us today and let’s uncover the path to your new success.