confidence coach – SiMar Sun, 22 Oct 2017 09:00:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 confidence coach – SiMar 32 32 Recycling Business Ideas To Kickstart The New Year (Part II) Sun, 22 Oct 2017 09:00:19 +0000 Without a doubt, recycling is one of the most profitable business ideas to venture to this 2017. Aside from being profitable, this business also delivers a sense of pride as they are designed to address the growing problem of the world—global warming. Pollution from waste products like plastic, metal scraps, Styrofoam products, rubbers, electronic gadgets, batteries, inks, and so on can easily penetrate the soil and the bodies of water essential to sustain life.
With these in mind, the challenge to build a business with a sense of purpose requires utmost deliberation. To give you an idea, here is the second part of the Recycling Business Ideas which can make your 2017 foray to entrepreneurship a memorable one.
Computer Repair and Recycling. The technological world is evolving year after year. What could be top-grade today can easily go obsolete tomorrow leaving a huge gaping hole for you to enter and make business. Collect discarded computers and sell those which are beyond repair to firms who recycle them. Those which can still be repaired can be “reconditioned” and sold or donated to institutions championing education for the marginalized.
Garbage Recycling. Germany is one of the most admired nations in the world when it comes to garbage recycling. Sadly, not all countries recycle the way the Deutsch does. Today, you can make a huge difference to landfills by recycling garbage. You can provide necessary recycling materials like roll-on/roll-off trash bins and gain access to garbage recyclables. You may also offer recyclable collection and disposal services to your community.
Rubber Recycling. All prudent drivers know that tires need to be changed when they reach 50,000 to 60,000 miles depending on the terrain they continually expose them to. Aside from that, they must also look for any signs of weather cracking as well as sidewall integrity. With millions of vehicle owners plying the streets, you have an available source for a thriving market. Collect tires from private individuals or tap private firms like taxi, hauling or forwarding companies and then, sell them to recycling plants.
Sawdust, Woodchip and Shavings Recycling. If you are near industries which have sawdust, woodchips or shavings as part of their waste, you can create a collection system and collect such useful waste materials from them. You can then, sell these to furniture manufacturing companies.
Cooking Oil Filtration and Collection Services. Ever wonder how restaurants, diners, fastfood chains, hotels, and other food and hospitality businesses dispose of their cooking oil? These opportunities give you a window to recycling success. You may offer topnotch filtration machines or reliable used oil collection system. Sell them to recycling plants thereafter.
Waste Recycling and Disposal. Hospitals and construction companies are goldmines when it comes to waste materials. From needles to syringes in hospitals to construction scrap materials, these waste items can be collected by you and sold to recycling plants for cash.
Keep this second set of recycling business ideas to jumpstart the New Year. The world is filled with waste materials waiting for a mentally and emotionally aware entrepreneur to tap. The best way to do it is to start small and learn the ropes of the trade. Find a way to improve the system of collection and disposal, if you may. The key is to continually find treasure in someone else’s trash.


Lessons Learned From Working With Millennials Sat, 21 Oct 2017 09:30:30 +0000 With the baby boomers (Gen X) lumped in the era of retirement, many companies today are inundated with the fierceness and hyper-active mindset of millennials, the Gen Y. While Gen X are known for their optimism, directorial way of thinking, flat management structural system, and willingness to go the extra mile to get the work done, this cannot be said so to the prolific Gen Y go-getters. These differences breed a humungous gap in management style and leadership—and knowing what to do about them will ultimately carve a highly thriving millennial workforce.
The Beauty in the Beast
Millennials are, by far, the largest active workers today. Research has shown that in both macro and micro employment scale, these young professionals and entrepreneurs are growing in numbers leading industries and companies to new heights. But while their mindset may differ largely with that of the baby boomer generation, the millennial workforce still maintained its penchant for teamwork-based management albeit at a highly tech-savvy environment.
Prolific multi-taskers and oozing with self-confidence, millennials idea of achieving success can be both beautiful and beastly. They make good use of their insatiable energy and passion in setting seemingly impossible goals as well as high expectations upon themselves making them seek out complex challenges while yearning for that work-life balance. Additionally, their need for social connections, fast-and-furious approach in getting results, and relentless passion to hasten all forms of advancement without thinking things through can be both astounding and fatal when not done accordingly.
Key Learning
Upon close inspection, it is clear to see that there looms a huge generation gap and cultural disintegration between two succeeding generations. This somehow reveals a likely dislodgement of the long-held belief and processes on employee engagement and motivation. Basically, what could have worked for decades to a large baby boomer generation may no longer be successful in today’s millennial generation. Millennial workforce today is more into dynamic career opportunities, feedback-based growth, robust recognition, and diversified management performance.
This is why many companies today, particularly those which cater largely to a millennial workforce, have to come up with sound engagement strategies aligned to their needs. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation measures must be explored to drive engagement levels of such a highly dynamic workforce. It is also becoming clear that with their proclivity for feedback, managing performance should be on top of their list of engagement drivers in the workplace.
Company Reputation
It is also important to note that many millennials take pride in the reputation of the companies they work for. Often, these workforce is emotionally attached to their organization making them fiercely devoted to its core values and principles. This is why companies must work doubly hard on upholding, if not improving, their overall reputation by adding compassionate programs to their operational tableau.
Indeed, there is more to the working millennials than what meets the eye. To help maintain their engagement level while improving their productivity, it is essential for organizations to guarantee transparent processes, recognize both key drivers and threats to engagement, set appropriate goals, and have multiple engagement strategies in place. To be more effective, it is also crucial to conduct annual engagement studies to keep your system up-to-date.
Common Pitfalls To Career Advancement Tue, 26 Sep 2017 14:40:27 +0000  

Having problems establishing yourself as a leader in the company? For many women out there, being recognized as an up-and-coming executive for a large establishment can be quite a challenge. Amid all the training and skills set amass throughout your career, many career-oriented women share the same common missteps which can hinder their greatness.
When thinking of breaking out from your shell this year, the following missteps must be avoided:
The Waiting Game. It is high time for you to take good care of your own career path–and by that, not waiting for a boss to do things for you.  You must be your own advocate.  Some rely on career projections from their higher-ups thereby, missing opportunities. Patience, though a virtue, must be taken with a grain of salt especially when trying to earn a promotion. Instead, identify what bigger role you want and pursue such with commitment, habitual hard work and convictions. Let your actions define your ambition.
The Cloak. Do not let others define your own credibility. Without a doubt, co-workers and even your boss may have already prejudged you or may have form opinion about you as a colleague, a team member, and as a person. But before you are defined by their ideas of who you are and what you can achieve, learn to demonstrate your strengths and show them who you are.  Create your own personal brand and succinctly make this known to everyone. You could be the “go-to person for differential analysis” or “the social media guru”. The idea is to own it and let others follow your lead instead of the other way around.
The Sacrificial Lamb. Operating below the radar is one of the safest routes to take, but if you are aiming for the big guns, you must learn to embrace career-defining projects. These assignments may be more challenging and can feel like trudging the eye of a needle. However, this is also a way for you to showcase your leadership skills and personal brand. So, do not limit yourself to so-so jobs. Sometimes, you need to sacrifice a fraction of your sanity, demolish the comfort zone and achieve new greatness.
The Machine Gun. You cannot get a promotion just by working your bones to the ground.  To be recognized, you need to work hard THE RIGHT and EFFICIENT way. Creating a “hard worker “reputation is a good thing but doing so in undervalued or less visible projects will get you nowhere.  Why be a camel when you can be a lioness? A lioness is a strong, powerful creature who uses her failures as stepping stones, assisting those who falter.  She lives in the light, protects her tribe and gathers with other lionesses.   A lioness holds a huge position, displays powerful strength and manages many things at one time in an efficient way. Delegating tasks, by the way, is a talent, too. Learn it.
The Saint. Do not ever try to downplay your achievements, but rather find a way to promote them. Humble bragging as self-promotion is not a sin particularly when you have worked day and night, demonstrating grace in all you do.  You demonstrate an active habit of cooperation and often choose the group choice that will result in the smallest amount of havoc.  This is also something to be celebrated.  Once people recognize these traits in you, they will seek you out for your strength rather than position you for your weakness.  However, you’ve got a voice.  You just use it in the privacy of your own space and comfort of your collect few.  Every now and then, share your voice with all.  It’s a self-motivator like you wouldn’t believe and others need to hear the wealth of your inner thinking every now and then.   If the thought of this pauses you, start small and update your social media profile with …. your voice.
There’s many ways to move forward in your career even if you don’t feel comfortable promoting yourself of your work.   Get hold of your career as you carve your path to greatness. Take these common pitfalls in career advancement into mind and make each day in the office count.  Consider professional journaling, documenting PowerPoints and other ways to remedy your career pitfall.

