Business Coach – SiMar Mon, 28 Oct 2024 06:29:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business Coach – SiMar 32 32 Know the Signs: 7 Ways To Drown Your Success with Insecurity Sat, 10 Feb 2018 23:14:28 +0000 Insecurity leads to more insecurity. As long as you have a choice, there are options.  Choose to make the best decisions for your business with confidence.  Stay focused and move forward.  In the meantime, here’s 7 Ways To Drown Your Success with Insecurity.  And I hope you tackle each and every way.

One of the silent killers in business and life is insecurity.  It’s an emotional aspect that molds self-image and influences human behavior. Some people, indeed, feel insecure in their own skin.  As entrepreneurs or employees, insecurity can easily be hidden behind huge smiles and large cloaks of anonymity. However, such underlying hurtful and self-critical thoughts will continue to create more thoughts and emotion.  Even if you know it’s coming, you want to do all you can to manage it.  Don’t let insecurity drown your success.


Here are some common signs of insecurity: 

  1. You change your mind a lot.  If you find yourself unable to figure out what you really want thus, your goals and objectives continually fluctuate like the market interest rate, you change your mind a lot. One moment, you are all for re-branding and the next moment, you want to stick to current strategies. It’s a dilemma that breeds disaster. 
  2. Decision-making is a constant struggle. Is everything a challenge from deciding what to eat to major business decisions?  Do you find it hard to take a stand? Better yet, if you consult friends and colleagues over and over again but still don’t trust their opinions and can’t make a decision on your own, then decision making is a constant struggle. 
  3. Validation from others comes highly regarded. You want every action, every decision, or even the way you dress, move, or speak to be acceptable to others. You scream for approval in everything you do. 
  4. You have the tendency to be over-controlling and demanding.   Do you know someone who takes offense when others do not share their ideas or methods–and they take it as a personal attack?  If constructive criticism is not in their vocabulary, controlling may be a part of their personality.

More signs of insecurity: 

  1. People who are insecure constantly talk about themselves. They sing praises not to impress others but more to appease their own insatiable desire for approval. This is also part of the reason why they have a hard time recognizing the efforts or worth of others–because they are too busy talking and thinking about themselves. 
  2. Being defensive is like a reflex. You easily take offense, even on things that do not matter. As previously mentioned, criticism is not your cup of tea. 
  3. An insecure person finds it easy to pick on another person’s faults. This is either to hide an inner affliction or a way to feel a superficial superiority. Often, these acts are done by either starting or spreading gossip. 

This is serious business.  Read more on this topic: How Self Esteem Shape Up Life and Business Decisions

Next Steps & Solutions

It is important to know where your insecurities stem from and the influence it has on your life. A business coach is an optimum choice when one’s insecurities become so intense that it prevents progress.  One way to divorce your insecurities is to start by accepting that you have strengths and you have weaknesses, we all do. 

The process is not going to be easy because it is really a struggle within your own self. The moment you start poking on those critical inner voices, expect screams of retaliation in return. Push your hardest and do not back down! If you want to be successful in your business or personal goals, do not listen to the taunts that entice you to hold back on your greatness! 

Want to break the walls of insecurity and create bridges of confidence? A coach or mentor is your solution.  SiMar Inc. founder Allison Todd is a professional coach who develops high performance capabilities in people. Schedule a consultation now! 

Expert Tips on Developing Interpersonal Skills Mon, 06 Nov 2017 20:36:07 +0000 Whether at work or somewhere, we use interpersonal skills to interact with others. At work, we talk to our co-employees, delegate work to our subordinates, or present proposals to clients or to the management. All these aspects require interpersonal skills. It is no wonder many employers today seek out candidates with robust interpersonal skills. They no longer just rely on aptitude and expertise, these employers look for people that can work well with a team as well as effectively communicate with both internal and external stakeholders of the company. But what really are interpersonal skills?
Understanding Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are often referred to as people kills or social skills. Sometimes, they are pointed directly as communication skills. In general terms, they are also called life skills and fall under the category of “soft skills.” Unless you have developed anthropophobia or social phobia growing up, you actually possess innate interpersonal skills from the time you were born.
Yes, you had it in you all along. Interpersonal skills include verbal and non-verbal communication, listening skills, negotiation skills, problem solving and decision-making, and your level of assertiveness. What you say, how you say it, and how you interpret the message using both verbal and body language largely comprises the communication skills set of interpersonal skills. How you act upon challenges, find a win-win solution, and decide according to the opportunities presented as well as how you assert a stand also fall in the broad concept of interpersonal skills. All these, however, are crucial to your productiveness and effectiveness in the workforce.
Honing Your Interpersonal Skills
While there are a broad range of skills set for you to be successful in your chosen field, it cannot be denied that having strong interpersonal skills will serve as a foundation for your success. Experts continually prove that without such, developing other life skills may be difficult.
Luckily, interpersonal skills can be honed to cohesively work with your hard skills. Here are some ways to develop them:
  • When talking, choose your words wisely. Say things in a way that you can be easily understood. Communicate message in a straightforward manner by instilling clarity and to always seek feedback to ensure that your idea is understood. You may want to use appropriate questioning and posturing to develop a much clearer understanding of the matter at hand.
  • Listen and by that, means to listen well. Do not mistaken listening as hearing per se. Listening takes more than hearing as it involves the ability to “receive and interpret” messages delivered by both verbal and nonverbal cues or in the absence of words. You need to decipher beyond mere words. Often, what could be hidden behind nonverbal cues are the more important matters.
  • Learn to clarify by asking questions. Seeking clarifications will help prevent any point of misunderstanding. Through this, you can carefully express your assertions and create point of negotiations in an effective and mutually respectful manner.
  • Always take control of your interpersonal skills. Try to relax and maintain a positive mindset. Do not let emotions get the better of you. Practice relaxation techniques and mindfulness for positive attitude.
  • Learn also to empathize with other co-employees or a boss’ point of view. You need to accept that POVs can sometimes be different. Should communication fail, carefully analyze what barriers made it so and rectify the problem from there.
  • Reflect upon previous successes and failures in fostering interpersonal skills with others. Always think positive. See failures as room for improvements and communication gaffe as a way to forge more effective measures.
Indeed, developing strong personal skills can be a challenge. You need to recognize and accept your limitations and mistakes to fully grasp how far you can achieve. Maintain a positive attitude and, if possible, find a trusted coach who can guide you through.


Job Hunting: What Skills Should You Have? Sun, 05 Nov 2017 09:25:20 +0000 Are you a new graduate looking for your own place in the sun? Or are you looking for greener pastures? Do you want to know the secret of employability? Many people these days no longer see themselves working for the same company for a lifetime. This could be due to the millennial theory of being always on the get-go for something bigger or simply a strategy to find more opportunities for growth.
To ensure that you get to easily move from one job to another, you need to have versatile or adaptable skills set. This particular skills set should not only be focused on one career path but must be broad-spectrum in a sense that it can fit to most, if not all, employment sectors. Employers are looking for people who have “employ-ability” skills or skills set that can fit to various job roles. So, what are these skills?
Communication Skills. Be prepared to have both excellent written and oral skills. Your own resume and its cover letter will deliver the “first impression” on your written capabilities while your interview will sound off that of your oral skills. Make sure to demonstrate articulateness when speaking while writing succinctly and with clarity. Employers look for these as it helps to carve a growth mindset, creativity, and aptitude.
Interpersonal Skills. Unless it’s a one-person mission to the moon, you will most definitely be working with co-employees, customers and clients, bosses, and so on. This is why the need to have good interpersonal skills is essential. This allows you to effectively partake as a team member, negotiate, and make good decisions. It also helps in satisfying client expectations as well as customer satisfaction. Excellent interpersonal skills usually stimulate empathetic listening leading to ease in building rapport with everyone.
Critical Thinking. Employers will also be on the lookout for your problem-solving and decision-making skills. Critical thinking is the ability to gather and evaluate relevant information—and the eye to pick the best solution. Along these lines, people with good critical thinking skills are also known to be effective in terms of planning, organizing, and getting things done efficiently.
Leadership Skills. While many believe that leadership skills are mainly focused for managerial or supervisory positions, this one is virtually being deemed essential on all new hires. This ability is about influencing others to achieve goals. Often, self-confidence is the best gauge being looked at by employers.
Computer Skills. This is the information age when everything is driven by technology and the Internet. Aside from knowing basic computer skills, some employers also look for specific requirements like ability to use apps, e-mail platform, social media, or programs related to their operation will be sought out.
Creative Skills. Bring your innovative and inventive mindset when applying for a new job. This skills are no longer just limited to marketing and designing but in many aspects. Finding new ways and means to make systems and procedures more effective and efficient has always been a target of businesses.
Numeracy-Presentation Skills. These two skills set are often interrelated. Presentation often require the ability to understand certain data like statistics, surveys, graphs, demographics, and other aspects essential to decision-making and reasoning. Numeracy skills can also become irrelevant if presentation skills are lacking.
While these skills sets are often on the table for employers and headhunters to consider, it is also important to develop positive attitude towards people, work, and the company you wish to work for. Expertise may be required in some aspects particularly in highly technical jobs but, all in all, employers will always choose someone who is willing to develop, learn and grow with the company.
How to Effectively Deal With Complex Situations Sat, 04 Nov 2017 12:15:45 +0000 Your store’s suppliers do not deliver goods as planned. An employee fails to meet the deadline for a much-needed project. Your business partner is doing things without consulting you. A manager suddenly calls in sick and no one is available to handle her post but you, who also happen to have another commitment. Day in and day out, complex situations can happen to you, your work or your business. It is going to be tough and frustrating. Yes, it can sometimes get the best out of people. But do you know that there are ways to help effectively deal with such complex situations?
Work It Out
Health experts often reveal that exercise prevent frustrations from building up. It encourages mental clarity, release endorphin, and deliver needed energy to last throughout the day. While it is almost a daily occurrence for problems and challenges to take place in your office, store, or in your life, you can engage in an early morning workout like a jog around the block or a 30-minute run on the treadmill can be of great help. Yoga or Pilates is also an excellent choice of workout as both can strengthen the muscles, release positive, and enhance mental clarity. Don’t have time? Walk or bike to commute for work or business.
Feel the Outdoors
People often overthink when dealing with a difficult situation. Things can get overwhelming that it often gets the worst out of their character. Do not go down that slippery slope. Once you put yourself in the midst of it all, you tend to go down faster than you can handle. Try to pause, if not, step back and see the whole thing from another perspective. One way of doing so is to get out and rest your mind. Some topnotch entrepreneurs go for long walks or visit a nearby spa for an hour of full body massage. This helps revive the mind and let’s get a glance from an outside perspective. Often, being too engrossed in your work or business will make your imagination well run dry. Get some fresh air. Once you get back, you’ll be amazed at the results.
Act On It
Too much analysis can be draining. It just does not help to feel that no matter what you do, it will not simply matter. The complex situation will still persist. It will drive you to think negative thoughts about your co-workers or your employees, your business partners, or yourself. So, why not gain full control of yourself. Accountability matters when problems start to rise. Too much finger-pointing leads to nowhere. Acknowledge there is a problem. Work out a solution. Then, delegate accordingly. The best way to address a problem is not just in finding solutions but also in ensuring that such will be applied accordingly.
When it comes to dealing with complex situations, two things usually come into play—emotion and change. Problems, uncertainties, and changes are often considered negative. By simply curving such fixed mindset into a growth mindset, you can easily see the opportunities lurking behind. Gain back control on your thoughts and actions, and spread positivity to everyone. When this happens, you can guarantee turning any complex situation into an opportunity for growth.


Health Care and Small Business: Striking the Best Deal Sat, 04 Nov 2017 09:13:53 +0000 Without a doubt, health insurance is an important must-have for everyone. It is, however, expensive leading many businesses to outsource their office needs. While some companies provide coverage with a percentage of the premiums being shouldered by employees, there are also those who simply let them acquire their own policies via the Affordable Care Act. So, how to find one that will best suit your workforce without spelling trouble for your money bag?
  • Learn the difference between group and individual coverage. Group plans, often considered the most affordable, relies on the precepts of “uniformity”. This means coverage therein is generic and applicable to all group members. Individual insurance plans though a little steeper are more specified. Price of coverage relies mostly on the insurers pre-existing conditions and risks.
  • Consider enrolling your business for a Health Reimbursement Plant (HRP) or Health Savings Account (HSA). The former is a 100 percent employer-funded account can be set-up to finance medical costs of employees and are virtually tax-refundable. The latter can be funded by both taxpayer and employer. There are certain stipulations on HSA plans as mandated by the IRS though. So make sure to check that, too.
  • Seek out the assistance of a health insurance broker. When you don’t have the time or any inkling whatsoever with regards to certain stipulations, a reliable health insurance broker can save the day. They are more adept in the ins and outs of the healthcare business allowing you more insights to the whole arrangement.
  • If you qualify for SHOP or Small Business Health Options, finding the best group plans for your workforce can be easier. Simply enroll your business and enjoy the perks of finding the best assistance in finding appropriate health care program for your company.
  • Be aware of tax credits. Small businesses with less than 25 full time workers paid on an average of $50k annually and have an outstanding healthcare coverage and share of 50 percent or more of the premium cost is eligible for tax credit.
  • Consider brainstorming with employees. When you have 20 or less employees, the group insurance route may be the least productive choice. Try pushing for self-insured plans with option of providing additional compensation for employees as an add-on. This will tell your workforce about your sincerity and goodwill in ensuring their health and well-being.
  • Be informed of tax laws and subsequent updates on healthcare. In case of group insurance, make sure to have a review with the healthcare provider on an annual basis to see how it addresses health concerns of employees particularly hospitalization. Check also for any changes on laws and other important aspects that require legal action.
In all these, it is important to note that keeping your employees well and healthy guarantees more productive results. Employees who are well-protected often deliver more benefits to the company. So whether you offer a group coverage or push for personal healthcare plans with add-on compensation, knowing that your wards are covered definitely means good business.


Build Lasting Impression and Get Hired On The Spot Fri, 03 Nov 2017 09:03:18 +0000 People often judge others even after a few seconds of meeting them. This is even more glaring when you go looking for a job. Not only will you be sized up according to what you’ve written on that resume, but also on your fashion choices, and articulateness in spoken words as well as your nonverbal cues. That is why jobseekers are so keen on making not just a good impression but one that’s lasting. Because, in all essence, they only get one shot at it.
When going on a job interview, it is important to make employers judge you accurately. You would also want them to lean on your best side. Start on the right foot and ensure that it lasts long before the interview is over with these pointers:
1. Signify your objectives and set your goal clearly. Before going to an interview, it is imperative that you know precisely what you want. This will help ready your system to whatever will be thrown your way. Knowing that you want to be hired will maintain your focus to getting the job leading you to channel all the positive energy within.
2. Consider your overall visual impact. Yes, people rely mostly on their sense of sight for that nanosecond of judgment. Dress appropriately for the occasion. Make-up and hairdo must not be too stiff and not too all-over-the-place. So are your choices of jewelry. Be reminded also that wearing a watch is a must. It gives the impression of being prompt and “dedicated”. Some people seek out the help of a fashion coach in this regard.
3. Your nonverbal cues will take some 40 percent of the overall first impression. The way you carry yourself in a conversation, your mannerisms, hand gestures when you talk, the way you smile or laugh—these are all taken into account. Practice in front of a mirror. Shoot a practice interview with a friend or partner and review the video footage. Or you may also seek out the help of coach to hone your communication skills both verbal and body language.
4. Practice the essence of positivity. Days can easily turn from bad to worst. At some point, you may feel bad mood, anxiety or fear creeping under your clammy skin as you prepare for an interview. Find a corner and do a short meditative technique. It is called optimism. When your mind is free from all the burden of negativity, it will shine brightly into your eyes, your smile and words.
5. Be sincere. No matter how you feign interest or make yourself interesting, if the virtue of sincerity is not there, you are wasting your time. Make your approach genuine. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Clarify points not clear to you. An interviewer or employer always appreciates conversations built upon mutual curiosity.
Building lasting impression during job-seeking can be quite challenging. You need to be at the best of your game. So, try to assess yourself, draw out your strength, and turn your weakness as an advantage. Remember, you only get that one shot—make sure to make it count.


Positive Mindset: Retaining Post-Vacation Vibe Wed, 01 Nov 2017 12:25:39 +0000 All work and no play is no life at all. Taking a vacation is a great way to de-stress. Imagine 1 to 3 days or more of no emails and voicemails, phonecalls in the middle of the night, deadlines to think of, and heady client meet-ups to attend to. Pure bliss! It helps revive the system and get your creative juices going. But while vacation is proven to do just that, the avalanche of work-related issues can also be sweeping once you go back. So, before you go all depressed upon going back, here are some tips to keep that awesome post-vacay vibe going:
  • Try to ease down on work commitments. The moment you get back, you may want to have a day or two with no meetings or client meal meet-ups. Focus on answering emails, voicemail’s, and other queries needing immediate attention. This is also a good time to reorganize your calendar and check on work or presentation deadlines. It is best to also review back-to-work priorities set prior to the vacation should something more urgent came up. Address the most urgent ones and leave some of the pleasantries at a later time.
  • Time to give your office desk a face-lift. By the time you’ll be back, request papers, invoices, and folders of reports may occupy a vast amount of your work space. Sign them up. Send them out. There is nothing more satisfying than having a de-cluttered desk at the end of the day.
  • While de-cluttering may be foremost on your mind, bring also that sunshine with you. Fresh flowers on a vase will add more warmth to a seemingly dreary office space. If there’s no space for flowers, bring anything colorful like a calendar posted on your cubicle wall. A framed picture of yourself immersed in the sea or sand can also maintain that positive vibe egging you to move forward.
  • Accept the expected but do it in a stride. It is normal to be stressed with the avalanche of work load greeting you back. Learning how to control such stress levels depend largely on your mindset. Address immediate concerns for 20 to 30 minutes and then, take a break for 5 to 10 minutes. This will bring back a more relaxed system while staying productive all the time.
  • When work concerns simply swamp you to no end, bring out the iPod out and listen to your choice of music. Reggae and tropical beats add more positive vibe as you go chasing deadlines. Others prefer classical songs to sooth the mind when solving gargantuan task.
  • Bring more than positive vibe with you by picking up one good habit. It may be to do yoga as the sun rises or to meditate during sunset. Some also made a realization on spending at least a couple of hours outdoors or unplugging from technology will add more positive vibe to a full work week. In most cases, vacations also bring about a sense of clarity on how to bring about work-life balance.
There are 101 optimistic ways of retaining post-vacation vibe. The key is to always look forward to coming back. Work is, after all, your bread and butter—and without it, planning your next getaway will be virtually impossible.


Do You Have These Bad Habits? Wed, 01 Nov 2017 09:21:23 +0000 Bad habits are the sum of your thoughts and actions in life. While it can be broken or controlled, these habits can easily hamper your chances at success once they take over your whole life. The sad thing about bad habits is that they do not manifest at the onset. They creep slowly to your system until you are so hooked into them. Like drugs but without the intoxication, these behaviors can cause lasting damage to your work, business, and life goals in general.
What are these habits? What needs to be done? Here are some of the common ones you kept alive without even thinking of their negative implications.
Over-attachment to Gadgets. Oh, with such strong Wi-Fi connection or all the fun on social media, the idea of bringing laptops, smartphones or tablets on their beds or when lounging somewhere to relax is creeping into everyone’s system. But do you know that this harms both productivity and sleep? Tech gadgets emit light that imitates the sun’s rays thereby, confusing your body’s circadian rhythm or body clock. Precisely the reason why bringing your phone to bed will not make you sleepy. Be reminded that lack of sleep will easily curve your creativity level leading to disastrous effects.
Online Hostage. Majority of the nation is guilty of this. The lure of social media, streaming videos of news, movies, and television shows easily robs anyone from their focus on tasks at hand. Be reminded that focus is crucial to ensure a topnotch finish on whatever tasks you are handling. When you kept checking your Facebook private messenger or Twitter or an online news portal, such focus will be derailed leaving you unproductive.
Still on Gadgets. Checking on a phone or laptop while taking with someone is not just counterproductive, it is downright rude. The same goes to multi-tasking on meetings and talks. Imagine yourself presenting a report on company initiatives only to be disturbed by someone who’s clicking on his smartphone or typing something on her laptop. Put yourself in the speaker’s shoes, what will you feel? When you commit to a meeting, a conversation or even with small talks, put all your energy into it.
Notification Horror. Many people think that by using notifications, they can take better control of their productivity. Wrong! Do not be lured by the pings and bells. Instead, choose to create a priorities schedule to handle emails, voicemails, queries, complaints, requests, and other concerns. This will help rein in the impulses and deliver more productive results.
Saying Yes (even when the right thing is to say NO!). Affirming something even when inappropriate is one of the most stressful things to do. This will not only lead to burnout, it also erodes self-control. Emotionally intelligent people know precisely when to say Yes and when to roar “no”. Learn your limits and, in doing so, you can have better grasp of how the future unfolds.
Toxic Love. Many love to think and gossip about toxic people. Some also thrive in talking about other’s misfortunes and mistakes. Do you know that in doing so, you are also coloring your world with negativity that it warps the mind? Bring on the ray of positivity and let go of toxicity. Think of people who matters and who can mentor you to reach greater heights. The idea is to always look forward.
Procrastinating. Perfection is often, the lousiest excuse to procrastination. People tend to dilly-dally because of the thought that they’re not good enough, their ideas are not perfect, or that it is not the perfect time. For argument’s sake, timing indeed can matter to certain endeavors but when you kept waiting and waiting without doing something while doing so, such erodes self-control leading to eventual failure. So, act while you can when you can. The idea is to try and if you fail, at the very least, you learn.
Stereotyping. There is nothing good to come out when you keep comparing your own reflection to that of others or when you put so much hope and satisfaction through labels set forth by others. When something feel good or happy, don’t let anyone rub you off that sensation. Their opinion is no better than your own. Do not let them drag you into their own opinionated ground. You will ultimately lose your self-worth the moment you let them.
Stopping bad habits will not only help develop good ones but will also create a lasting impact on one’s sense of productivity and work ethics. So, flex those self-control muscles and start the ball rolling now. It will take time and painstaking efforts. But with success on the line, all these will definitely be worth the effort.


How to Get Hired—Fast Mon, 30 Oct 2017 09:13:29 +0000 Will you be job-hunting in 2017? While there seem to be speculations on how the turnout of the current elections will fare with all the problems sprouting nowadays, it is still important to keep a positive attitude that a robust growth will ensue next year. There will always be new jobs to fill. If you want to get hired, here are some tips to get you at the top of the jobseekers heap:
  • Be willing to risk and, in so doing, you must learn to leave your comfort zone. You will be asked about what you fear or your weakness. You will be asked to further expound on these fears and weaknesses, and most importantly—how you will address them. Admit about your self-doubt or on why you are hesitant or fearful of a situation. But beyond those points, it is imperative that you will show an open mind to address such.
  • Brandish a unique yet carefully organized resume. Graphical resumes are making a comeback putting more focus on what prospective employers usually look for—skills and experience. A personal website showcasing your personal and professional portfolio will be of utmost importance. Social media profiles highlighting skills such as that of LinkedIn are also deemed “a must” in today’s highly innovative jobs market.
  • Networking is the new word of mouth. Connect with the right kind of people. Employee referrals have been rock-solid for quite some time. Simply put, companies put more trust in their own workforce in adding like-minded individuals into the fold. This is the perfect time to connect with college seniors or friends of the family currently thriving in the industry you wish to pursue.  You may also want to enroll in career coaching sessions or sign up for a professional group. The key is to connect to the right people in the very industry you wish to thrive.
  • State salary expectations on a realistic level. Sure, it’s great negotiation strategy to set a higher price for your equally topnotch skills or decorated academic record or your vast experience in the field OR to set it too low— and anticipate a counter-offer. But, in the real world, companies have already set a salary range for every job they offer. Find out about current wage rate on the particular job of interest and start from there.
  • Always come prepared to an interview. Do research on current issues and trends in the industry. Be “in the know” but make sure that your data are based on facts. This will show the prospective employer not just your sincerity on learning the ropes but more so, on your proactive attitude.
  • Buff-up your self-confidence. Enroll in a coaching crash course. Professional coaches allow you some of the industry’s best-kept secrets in anticipation of the interview ahead. Learn how to be suave in both verbal and nonverbal communication. These professionals will teach you precisely how to capture the attention of your interviewer.
  • Hone your skills through training. You will most likely be waiting for scheduled exams and interviews. While doing so, enroll in online certification programs to pad your professional portfolio. Find skills which are aligned to the industry you wish to pursue.
In everything else, be sincere and consistent. The moment you sit on an applicant’s chair, the headhunter already has a clear grasp on everything about you. Show a positive attitude. Be cheerful without being too annoying. Be earnest and courteous but make sure to show them your worth.
Gearing For A Tech Savvy Small Business Sun, 29 Oct 2017 20:08:12 +0000 Small businesses usually have doubts on how tech investment will bring in more results to them. While the idea that it provides solutions like automation and quick monitoring to effectively handle increased workloads, more expansions, and in pursuing new markets, there is definitely more than what meets the eye of such investments.
Technological investments, however, are not created equal. Some of these tech solutions will provide the necessary advantages. For the year 2017, the following tactics can be used to spruce up your tech investments and enjoy more promising results and returns.
Advanced Data Collection
From data acquisition, advances in computer technology have shifted to “data-curation.” Data collection will finally become more interactive and intuitive delivering a certain level of a collaborative environment without sacrificing privacy. Web optimization or having a strong online presence will continue to become a major player in small businesses. Project tracking in terms of expenditures, cash flow, transparency, and so on will become more advanced and usually done in real time. Cloud-based solutions will continue to provide more insights but will become largely encrypted leading to more freedom yet more private data communication. With this, small businesses must learn to gain key focus on the business and the right tools to generate more productive results.
Outsourcing Is Still King
Streamlining business cost is one of the most important achievements of outsourcing. Small businesses can put expertise as well as economies of scale to good use without having to create “costly” ancillary departments. By outsourcing specialized services like IT, HR, accounting, and customer support, you spend less time on these matters and put more focus on your core competencies and processes. Aside from convenience and cost saved, outsourcing also allows you to innovate more and find a new niche in the market. Finding a reliable business outsourcing partner, however, must be dealt accordingly to ensure positive results.
Smart Mobile All The Way
Mobile technology is the team to beat in the years to come. It’s no longer just mobile tech but SMART mobile technology. Intuitive and interactive, smart mobile technology will continually impact business communications, sales, logistics, marketing, and other business tactics. Smartphones and tablets, as well as hybrids, will continue to utilize promising mobile technologies. Interfaces will become more simplified. Connections will be faster and more wide-ranging while maintaining more privacy.
Sustainable Energy
Small business will be powered by more sustainable sources like solar, wind, water, or biomass. This will echo the growing needs of the environment due to continuous decline. While global warming is heavily debated, more and more small business will engage in tech-savvy sustainable energy to ensure cultivating a culture of accountability and co-existence.
Innovative technology has a strategic role to play in the rise of small businesses today. These tactics will help deliver them to another level of growth without having to overspend. In the end, technology and other innovations will keep pushing them to become more competitive.